
Linda Mclaughlin Obituary, A Memorial To A Cherished Mother

Linda Mclaughlin Obituary, Death Cause – In a statement that is sure to break anyone’s heart, Seth, Shem, and Christi break the news to their family that their mother, Linda, has passed away. At 10.30 in the morning Linda, a devoted mother and valued soul, slipped away from this world at Tameside Hospital in a calm manner. The example of love, generosity, and unflinching loyalty to one’s family that Linda set throughout her life is an inspiration to us all. All of the people who had the honor of getting to know her will always cherish her memory and give it a place that is uniquely their own.

She left an unmistakable imprint on the lives of many people via her warmth, knowledge, and limitless love, and those she leaves behind will continue to be inspired and uplifted by that impact long after she is gone. During this trying time, the family asks for everyone’s compassion and understanding as they work through this challenge. The specifics of Linda’s funeral will be announced at a later date, at which point her loved ones and friends will be able to gather together to pay their respects, swap tales, and commemorate the extraordinary life she led.

During this time of mourning, let us remember Linda for the love she shared, the joy she brought, and the legacy of compassion she leaves behind. Her physical presence may no longer be with us, but the people whose lives she touched will carry her soul with them always and indefinitely. Our thoughts and prayers are with Seth, Shem, and Christi, as well as all of those who were blessed to count Linda as a mother, a friend, and a guiding light in their life. Linda will be much missed.


Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-06-08